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A monthly Online support group for MEN with ADHD
Date and time
Tue Feb 11 2025
<div>A monthly Online support group for MEN with ADHD</div><div style="margin-top: 20px"><div style="margin: 20px 10px;font-size: 15px;line-height: 22px;font-weight: 400;text-align: left;"><p>A monthly Online support group for MEN with ADHDAbout this eventThis support group is run specifically for adult men with ADHD and provides an opportunity for individuals with ADHD to share experiences, hear from others with this condition and learn strategies and get information on ADHD.</p><p>The group provides a space to connect, get support and learn more about ADHD.</p><p>The men only sessions will be facilitated by Colin McGee, a therapist and coach who has been working with adults with ADHD, children and families for over 30 years. Colin has been working at ADDISS for 12 years.This group is open to all male adults with ADHD nationwide.Guys this is your space.</p><p>Online Support Group Guidelines</p><p>For the comfort & security of all</p><p>Support Groups Etiquette and Guidelines:</p><p>1. Think about your image, name and noise reduction.</p><p>2. When joining the live stream, please do so from a quiet and private space without children present, this is our personal space.</p><p>3. If there is likely to be a lot of background noise or if privacy cannot be guaranteed where you are located, please use headphones so other members of your household cannot hear what other participants are saying.</p><p>4. If you are going to use your webcam, please be mindful of what others can view in the background. Think about whether you would really feel comfortable joining the live stream from your bedroom, or if you would rather participate from a study room, kitchen or a more “neutral” space. Another option is just having a photo or image background cover.</p><p>5. During the live stream, please keep your microphone on mute when you are not speaking. This will help reduce “feedback” from sounds like email/social media notifications.</p><p>6. If you'd like to ask a question using your microphone, please use the "raise hand" function. This will help avoid us talking over the top of one another If you would prefer not to ask questions using the mic, you can instead use the "chat" function to type your questions.</p><p>7. Be mindful that the "tone" to online communications can become lost as body language cues and facial expressions are muted or harder to see. Please politely seek clarification before making any assumptions.</p><p>8. Please treat your participation in the live stream as though you were attending a face-to-face support group. Demonstrate respect, kindness and patience for everyone who is participating, including facilitators.</p><p>9. The information that everyone shares should be treated as confidential.</p><p>10. Cameras must be switched on and remain on: This enables the facilitator to ensure the attendee is in the appropriate group, over 18 and present during the session.</p><p>11. Mobile phones: Please switch off or on silent as a sign of respect.</p><p>12. Maintaining Confidentiality: “What’s said in group stays in group” we don’t use names, raise experiences or issues shared in a way which identifies any group member. Exceptions: Duty of care (or mandatory reporting requirements) - if a member is at risk of harming themselves or others or being harmed; If a crime is being committed; Or when facilitators debrief.</p><p>13. People attending are to be free from Alcohol & illicit Drugs: It is a safety issue for others & being under the influence limits our ability to be present & participate fully.</p><p>14. Support group exit: If you need to leave the group for whatever reason, you are free to do so but please indicate to us in the chat.</p><p>15. Boundaries around personal sharing in order to ensure the emotional safety of self and others: Being mindful of the detail and language we use when sharing (aggressive/offensive/sexual/ disrespectful language & tone) to ensure we do not trigger or leave others feeling vulnerable and unsafe.</p><p>16. Technical issues: If, due to technical difficulties, one facilitator drops out with computer problems whilst the group is running and can’t connect back into the group. The remaining facilitator needs to let the group know that the group must end and close the group.</p><p>17. Punctuality: Please try to arrive on time (Zoom Group will open 5 minutes prior to start) so group can finish on time. Please be mindful that all facilitators are volunteers and it’s important that they are able to get out in timely manner. Also note that the virtual group door will be locked ten minutes after group commences.</p><p>18. Personal information: We request that all participants to supply phone numbers or email address if you don’t have a phone number. Participants can send their details through the chat feed to the facilitators (being mindful not to share your chat with the group) so that in an event of an emergency or crises, participants can be contacted to see if they are safe/well. Your personal information will not be stored or kept beyond this groups unless duty of care requirements needs to be followed through.</p><p>19. If you are feeling uncomfortable or need a private chat: Please use the private chat to communicate to facilitator (being mindful not to share your chat with the group)</p><p>20. Safe Rooms (BREAK OUT ROOMS): If the facilitator has any concerns, they may move a participant into a safe room (break out room) to make sure that everyone is ok.</p><p>21. Respect and Equal Participation– No ‘Advice Giving’ or Interrupting: We each have the right and opportunity to equal talking time and there is no obligation to speak.</p><p>22. We each share the responsibility for making the group work. Having benefited from the help of others, we recognise the need for offering our help to others in the support group.</p><p>23. If accessing the group using a portable appliance (I.e., Phone or laptop) please avoid walking around with the appliance, as the motion displayed on everybody else's screen can be very uncomfortable to see.</p><p></p></div></div>
Online Event
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