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Stacked Wooden Logs
Moral injury versus PTSD, symptoms, treatments, healing.

Date and time

Fri Jan 17 2025

<div>Moral injury versus PTSD, symptoms, treatments, healing.</div><div style="margin-top: 20px"><div style="margin: 20px 10px;font-size: 15px;line-height: 22px;font-weight: 400;text-align: left;"><p><strong>Moral Injury: Wounds of the Soul</strong></p><p></p><p>Moral injury is a very personal experience among veterans and first responders, and it is present across contexts, cultures, and circumstances. As a loss injury that involves a disruption in trust within one’s moral values and beliefs, there may be a profound impact on emotional, psychological, behavioural, social, and spiritual functioning. As a clinician, understanding moral injuries is a fundamental aspect of healing these invisible wounds. </p><p>This workshop will cover major aspects of moral injury across contexts and allow participants to integrate this knowledge and understanding in several interactive case studies. This immersive experience will translate theory into practice supporting clinical application specifically for those who work with veterans and first responders. </p><p><strong>About this event </strong></p><p>• Define moral injury and how it differs from PTSD</p><p>• The causes and symptoms of moral injury</p><p>• The impact of moral injury across contexts</p><p>• How values and spirituality are involved </p><p>• Treatment options </p><p>• The role of the clinician in treating wounds of the soul</p><p>• Interactive case studies</p></div></div>


Online Event

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