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This is the Tim Kiver Foundation - ONLINE ADHD Support Group - All Welcome
Date and time
Tue Feb 11 2025
<div>This is the Tim Kiver Foundation - ONLINE ADHD Support Group - All Welcome</div><div style="margin-top: 20px"><div style="margin: 20px 10px;font-size: 15px;line-height: 22px;font-weight: 400;text-align: left;"><p>Our ONLINE ADHD Support Group session is a safe place for anyone interested in ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) in <strong>ANY</strong> way to share experiences and learn more about:</p><p>• What ADHD is</p><p>• How ADHD affects peoples every day life</p><p>• Ways to manage ADHD symptoms</p><p>• How to seek medical help for ADHD</p><p>• The Facts and Fiction that surround ADHD</p><p>• What the various UK ADHD third sector (charitable organisations) are doing to spread awareness that will improve the lives of those who are affected by ADHD</p><p>These sessions are <strong>FREE OF CHARGE</strong> and a chance to talk to us and other attendees about the many aspects of ADHD.</p><p></p><p>We are Experts by Experience.</p><p></p><p>Who will benefit:</p><p>• Those who suspect that they might have ADHD and want to find out more about what ADHD is</p><p>• Those who are looking for advice and help getting assessed and diagnosed for ADHD</p><p>• Those who know someone who might have or has ADHD and want to learn more about how to support someone with ADHD Symptoms</p><p>• Parents looking to better understand and support children who may have or have ADHD</p><p>• Those who are diagnosed with ADHD but require support and want to be able to talk about their journeys with others who have ADHD; in a supportive setting where they can be sure to be accepted, understood and supported</p><p>The key is CAUSE (Compassion, Acceptance, Understanding, Support and Encouragement) - lets move forward together and be the <strong>CAUSE</strong> of change for the better.</p><p><em>See you there</em></p></div></div>
Online Event
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