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Tulia provides free drop-in bereavement support groups for migrants who have lost their loved ones in their country of origin or in the UK

Date and time

Tue Sep 10 2024

<div>Tulia provides free drop-in bereavement support groups for migrants who have lost their loved ones in their country of origin or in the UK</div><div style="margin-top: 20px"><div style="margin: 20px 10px;font-size: 15px;line-height: 22px;font-weight: 400;text-align: left;"><p>Tulia provides free drop-in bereavement support groups for people who have lost their loved ones in their country of origin or in the UK. Our groups are particularly for migrants and their families. We understand that being far away from home can be a very isolating experience. When loss happens it can be even harder to deal with when living away from loved ones . Sometimes it’s not possible to talk to anyone who understands.</p><p> The aim of the support groups is to create regular spaces for people to share stories and experiences with others who have experienced a similar kind of loss.</p><p>We run online support groups. Our online support groups require registration so that we can ensure they do not get too crowded.</p><p>The support groups are facilitated by volunteers who are not qualified therapists. It is important to know that these support groups are not formally therapeutic – they are peer grief support groups. </p><p>This means they do not provide formal therapy or follow specific structures or themes. We keep these groups that way because we know that for a lot of people, their biggest need is just to speak to others who have gone through something similar.</p><p>Our support group sessions address the topics and emotions that arise for our attendees on the day instead of having pre-planned sub-topics to discuss. We know that coping with grief can be an unpredictable experience, and therefore, we want to give you a space to talk about whatever you need on the day.</p><p>If you are looking for a more formal type of therapeutic support, we can support you in accessing that.</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p></div></div>


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